Peter & Jessica

We have no doubt in our minds that CLDP gave our son the best possible chance to maximise his development potential during his 2.5 years spent with Joan and her incredible team in CLDP. Our son is now a completely different child to the little boy who was non-verbal & own agenda the day he first set foot in CLDP. As a family, we were in turmoil and most days were a struggle to try and deal with our son’s additional needs: as parents we didn’t’ have the required expertise to give him the full supports that he needed & none of the government pre-school supports were available for children under three years of age. Every month counts for a child with additional needs and in hindsight we can say it was the best decision we have ever made enrolling our boy into CLDP when we did, and it has made all the difference to him. We travelled from west Clare to CLDP everyday: an onerous 2.5 hour round trip over two and a half years. It was a huge burden on our family but definitely worth it.

Peter & Jessica

  • April 5, 2022

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